Curious Orange
Kö106 Düsseldorf
In the airwell of the Kö106 building is inserted a ceiling of 200 sq.m., completely covered with traffic-light orange adhesive tape. This horizontal section separates the entrance from its dome and the trees from their tops.
Adhesive tape, battens, cardboard, 200 m2
Adhesive tape, battens, cardboard, 200 m2

Multi-Storey Car Park – Stadt im Regal
Drive-through exhibition in the Parkhaus Behrenstraße in Berlin. A sheet of retroreflective pavement marking material cuts across the flow of traffic, extending completely across two levels of the parking structure. Flush with the pavement on the fourteenth level, on the thirteenth level it becomes a catwalk that continues beyond the facade to end in thin air.
1997 , walkway , multistorey car park , Berlin , Stadt im Regal , installation , sculpture , reflecting , Drive In

Curious Orange
View into Kö106 before the installation of Curious Orange.

Curious Orange
Heike Klussmann, ed. Mönchehaus Museum for Modern Art, Goslar, 1997

Stadt im Regal
In the exhibition “Parkhaus – Stadt im Regal,” the singular situation of the parking garage, as a multistory stack of public spaces, becomes a model for urban space. In exploring the ways Berlin has changed since 1990, images and visions of the city are elaborated and juxtaposed in the subdivided space of a parking garage. The exhibition can be viewed by car.

Multi-Storey Car Park – Stadt im Regal

Stadt im Regal – Map-fold guide
Map-fold guide with program booklet for the exhibition “Parkhaus – Stadt im Regal”

Mönchehaus Museum für moderne Kunst Goslar
Pick-up sticks are tied together to form a scaffolding whose four points reach almost to the ceiling. More sticks are arrayed behind them, lined up in the joints between the floorboards.