Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
Freie Wahlen
For the exhibition Freie Wahlen at the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Stadt im Regal presented a comprehensive overview of their past projects in the form of a shelf holding photos, photocopies, printouts, sketches and texts.

daadgalerie Berlin
A pipe runs like an axis through three of the gallery’s rooms, its two ends resting on the railings of balconies overlooking the street and courtyard. The pipe also functions as a camera obscura: On each end is a pinhole that focuses the light and carries a reflection of the exterior space through the gallery’s interior, using the pipe as a medium.

pipeline Photographs
daadgalerie Berlin
Photographs from inside the pipe: direct exposures on black-and-white baryta paper, each 30 cm in diameter

DAADGallery Berlin

Haus des Lehrers and Kongress Halle Berlin
Monochrome City shown at Haus des Lehrers and Kongresshalle Berlin.