A new metro line for Düsseldorf
After fifteen years of planning and construction, Düsseldorf has completed an extraordinary collective undertaking. February 2016 marks the opening of the Wehrhahn line, a new metro link running from east to west beneath the city centre over a distance of 3.4 kilometres. The design concepts for the six stops on the route were devised and realized by netzwerkarchitekten and the artist Heike Klussmann working together with civil engineers and city authorities. The idea was for art and architecture to be inseparably bound to one another; they were to interact with, inspire and elevate each another, leaving a strong collective Mark on the space. Remarkably enough, there will be no advertising in the new metro stations.
28.11.2015, 5.12.2015 und 12.12.2015
28.11.2015, 5.12.2015 und 12.12.2015

Subway Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf
Design drawing subway station Pempelforter Straße
Heike Klussmann, Surround, Design drawing for the subway station Pempelforter Straße, Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf

Subway Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf
3-D model for the subway station Pempelforter Straße
Heike Klussmann, Surround, 3-D model for the subway station Pempelforter Straße, Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf

A Floating Platform for Art and Science
From April to October 2012, a decommissioned ship will be transformed into the MS IM-PORT//EX-PORT, a transdisciplinary platform for art, architecture, design & science on the river Fulda.
The IM-PORT//EX-PORT initiative, represented by Andre May, Lessano Negussie and Nicolai Kudielka, will make the main, upper and sun decks available for exhibitions, lectures, workshops and collaborative work. The goal of this transdisciplinary project, directed by Prof. Heike Klussmann, is to bring artists, scientists, students and teachers together in a
singular location. The guiding theme is the concept of exchange—of life in a state of flow. In a process of investigation and imagination, various fields will be made accessible through dialogue with other disciplines. The project relies on the self-directed participation of representatives of the arts and the sciences. The main concern of IM-PORT//EX-PORT is to generate and harness mutual inspiration from art, science and technology—their inherent similarities, parallel developments and differences—and to explore work processes and procedures. The ship, which was retired after 40 years of passenger vessel service, offers a unique set of amenities at a riverside site in the center of Kassel.
The event and exhibition space is approved for up to 150 persons. During dOCUMENTA (13), it will provide a unique interface between the university, its art school, the city of Kassel and the international public.
IM-PORT//EX-PORT is a featured site of the city’s official Kassel Kultur 2012 program in conjunction with documenta. We look forward to welcoming you aboard the IM-PORT//EX-PORT!
A Floating Platform for Art and Science
From April to October 2012, a decommissioned ship will be transformed into the MS IM-PORT//EX-PORT, a transdisciplinary platform for art, architecture, design & science on the river Fulda.
The IM-PORT//EX-PORT initiative, represented by Andre May, Lessano Negussie and Nicolai Kudielka, will make the main, upper and sun decks available for exhibitions, lectures, workshops and collaborative work. The goal of this transdisciplinary project, directed by Prof. Heike Klussmann, is to bring artists, scientists, students and teachers together in a
singular location. The guiding theme is the concept of exchange—of life in a state of flow. In a process of investigation and imagination, various fields will be made accessible through dialogue with other disciplines. The project relies on the self-directed participation of representatives of the arts and the sciences. The main concern of IM-PORT//EX-PORT is to generate and harness mutual inspiration from art, science and technology—their inherent similarities, parallel developments and differences—and to explore work processes and procedures. The ship, which was retired after 40 years of passenger vessel service, offers a unique set of amenities at a riverside site in the center of Kassel.
The event and exhibition space is approved for up to 150 persons. During dOCUMENTA (13), it will provide a unique interface between the university, its art school, the city of Kassel and the international public.
IM-PORT//EX-PORT is a featured site of the city’s official Kassel Kultur 2012 program in conjunction with documenta. We look forward to welcoming you aboard the IM-PORT//EX-PORT!

Underground Bunker Alexanderplatz Berlin
photographs from the 94-part Burrow series
Beneath the Alexanderplatz lies one of Berlin’s biggest underground bunkers, built in 1941 out of a foundation block from the twenties. Heike Klussmann shows this subterranean structure beneath the Alexanderplatz in the Burrow series. It is no longer accessible because it is now serving as a foundation for the Saturn building that stands above it on the Alexanderplatz.
Photographs from the 94-part Burrow series, Underground Bunker, Alexanderplatz Berlin
Photographs from the 94-part Burrow series, Underground Bunker, Alexanderplatz Berlin

WK8P2 deconstruction
Superumbau Hoyerswerda Neustadt
Economic and social restructuring in the former East Germany has rendered entire neighborhoods and cities superfluous. A whole way of life created in the sixties, seventies and eighties has been called into question and dismantled piece by piece. After several slab buildings in Hoyerswerda’s Wohnkomplex 8 (Residential Complex 8) had already disappeared, Stadt im Regal became involved in the demolition of one of the complex’s Type P2 buildings, located at Merzdorfer Str. 14–18, Hoyerswerda Neustadt.
A Federal Cultural Foundation project about the deconstruction of modernity, Hoyerswerda Neustadt.
A Federal Cultural Foundation project about the deconstruction of modernity, Hoyerswerda Neustadt.

WK8P2 deconstruction
Green space coming soon
Stadt im Regal put up a construction in front of the WK8P2 building at Merzdorfer Str. 14–18, Hoyerswerda Neustadt. It portrays the deconstruction as a construction project: “Green Space Coming Soon.”

Academy of the Arts Berlin
For the exhibition “Z2000,” Stadt im Regal designed and built a full-scale model of a bungalow by architect Eduard Ludwig (Type A No. 39) in the forecourt of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin. The model functions as both a sculpture and a temporary exhibition pavilion. The original bungalow was built for an international architecture exhibition in 1957 and still stands in the nearby Hansaviertel neighborhood.

Type A Nr. 39
The design of the Type A No. 39 bungalow in the Hansaviertel neighborhood is unusual both for the rigid separation of the one-story building from its environment and for the thorough rationalization and minimal tolerances of its functional processes. A simple arrangement of living area, garage and garden within two overlapping rectangles results in a horizontal box meant to provide its inhabitants with an exceptional amount of exterior isolation and interior freedom. In the full-scale model, the bungalow is transformed through the use of low-tech materials, addressing contemporary ideas of shelter, seclusion, permeability and connection to the outside world. As a freestanding implant in public space, 1957’s model house becomes a working model once more.