Dys Crete,  Strom Produzierende Skulpturen,  Heidelberger Kunstverein,  Bau Kunst Erfinden,  Heike Klussmann

DysCrete™ - energy producing sculptures

Heidelberger Kunstverein

The series of energy producing sculptures is based on the principles of the dye-sensitized solar cell, that use organic dyes to absorb light and produce electricity through electrochemical reactions. The energy-generating function is produced with freely available components, with no additional toxic emissions. A special feature is that it can make use of the energy in diffuse light.

Heike Klussmann
Heidelberger Kunstverein
Energy Producing Pictures, Glass, Graphit, Toothpaste, Juice, diverse materials, 2012
Heidelberger Kunstverein
aluminiumbarren, rueckgeschmolzene, fassade, kaufhof, cnetrumwarenhaus, berlin, alexanderplatz, heikeklussmann


Sections of the aluminum facade of the Kaufhof department store (formerly the Centrum Warenhaus) on Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, which the artist had melted down into raw aluminum ingots after the facade was auctioned off on April 30, 2005.

henrymoore, im, bungalow, stadtimregal, akademiederkuenste, berlin, heikeklussmann

Henry Moore

im Bungalow

Henry Moore’s 1956 sculpture Reclining Figure, which was installed in front of the Academy of the Arts in the Hansaviertel neighborhood in 1961, is integrated into the courtyard of Bungalow Type A No. 39. “Z2000” exhibition, Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
hoy, aushackstuecke

wk8p2 demolition


Various pavement chunks used in wear tests conducted at the Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus. Prototype showing how construction materials left over from the demolition of WK8P2 might be reused as a base layer in road construction.
palette, furnier, mahagoni, heikeklussmann


europallet, veneer, shellac
berlin, alexanderplatz, monochromcity, cameraobscura, heikeklussmann

Camera Obscura

Monochrome City Alexanderplatz Berlin

Camera Obscura for Monochrome City
heikeklussmann, 10000 Blatt, wachskreideauf Din A4


10.000 sheets lying upon another

Wax-crayon on A4 paper, 10 000 sheets lying upon another
dielenkiste, ochsenblutrot


Bottomless box made from the floorboards of a one-bedroom apartment in Berlin.


Plywood, light reflecting surface

From a certain perspective, when the angle of view and the light’s angle of incidence coincide, the shadows cast by the cavities are washed out by reflected light, with the result that the cavities are perceived as a uniform surface.
 Wehrhahnlinie Duesseldorf,  Entwurfsmodelle,  Heike Klussmann, netzwerkarchitekten, 02
wehrhahninie, duesseldorf, entwurf, schnittraeume, heikeklussmann
wehrhahninie, duesseldorf, entwurf, schnittraeume, heikeklussmann
 Wehrhahnlinie Duesseldorf,  Entwurfsmodelle,  Heike Klussmann,  Netzwerkarchitekten

Subway Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf

design models

Heike Klussmann, netzwerkarchitekten: continuum & cut, design models for six new metro stations Wehrhahnlinie Düsseldorf

2010 , sculpture ,
 Heike Klusmann,  Steg,  Parkhaus,  Stadtim Regal
 Heike Klusmann,  Steg,  Parkhaus,  Stadtim Regal


Multi-Storey Car Park – Stadt im Regal

Drive-through exhibition in the Parkhaus Behrenstraße in Berlin. A sheet of retroreflective pavement marking material cuts across the flow of traffic, extending completely across two levels of the parking structure. Flush with the pavement on the fourteenth level, on the thirteenth level it becomes a catwalk that continues beyond the facade to end in thin air.